Remote meter reading and monitoring

AMR - Automated Meter Reading, AMM - Automated Meter Management


Our AMR/AMM projects use both actual key communication technologies - the internet and GSM / SMS / EDGE data connection. A user has an access to the data in SCADA center via internet/intranet. Data gathering and telemetry management is based on TCPIP communication via different ways of transmission (EDGE, WiFi, Ethernet). The® in the SCADA center decrypts the transmitted data and stores them into a SQL database for further processing, by user applications of the dispatching center (Process visualization, Trends, Events, Alarming, Reporting). The process visualization could be realized by a web environment application or as a client application. The values are animated according to the actual state of the variables e.g. a common value, value out of range, informational value - no connection etc. Microsoft Excel can be used for creating output reports as a client.


Smart monitoring and AMR of water networks


The monitoring of water networks has been, thanks to the usage of smart metering telemetry technology, already proven way for reducing operating costs. The RTU stations continuously observe if the key process parameters (flow rates and pressures) at the site of distribution network are in good condition. If the observed values are ​​in the specified limits, the measured information is saved into the internal memory of RTU and, according to the timetable of broadcasting, sent to the center. When the RTU detects a problem, the station immediately reports the process event to the center.

  • Continuous monitoring of network parameters - flow, leakage quantity, pressures
  • In case of exceeding process limits a warning message is immediately sent
  • Remote diagnostics and setting up of monitoring parameters

For users without own telemetry infrastructure, QLine offers Telemetry data hosting. The data, gathered by telemetry units, is available in a QLine data centre for viewing and downloading through internet. See more.

Vytvořil BG